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Investment Project

Mojolka hydroelectric project in Nicaragua

The Mojolka hydroelectric project will be located on the Tuma River in the North-Central region of Nicaragua, in the department of Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

With the construction of the Mojolka hydroelectric project, an installed capacity of 120 MW will be obtained, with a primary energy production of 585 Gwh/year, which are intended to be incorporated into the National Electricity System to meet the demand of the Nicaraguan population.

Currently, much of the country’s electricity generation is based on fossil fuels, creating a significant dependence on imported petroleum derivatives, negatively affecting tariffs on end consumers, causing increases as their price increases in the international market. With the implementation of this project, Nicaragua will be taking advantage of its hydroelectric resource to bring energy to the most isolated rural areas of the country.

It is estimated that the start date of the project is in 2021 and the first year of operation is expected to be in 2027.

The project will cost two hundred and thirty-one million U.S. dollars.

With the implementation of this project Nicaragua will be taking advantage of its hydroelectric resource to bring energy to the most isolated rural areas of the country.

Federico Gurdián Sacasa
Managing Partner
García & Bodán
