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Investment Project

Sewage System and Wastewater Treatment Plant in Nicaragua

The Central American Bank of Economic Integration (BCIE, by its acronyms in Spanish), as part of the services that provides to its beneficiary partner countries, is giving the financing for the present acquisition, within the framework of the Construction of Sewage System and Wastewater Treatment Plant of the City of Bluefields.

The project seeks the contribution, from a rights approach with emphasis in the social participation and mobilization, to elevate the quality of life of the population through the improvement of the sanitary and environmental conditions of the town of Bluefields, facilitating the access to the services of sanitary sewer for the population by the end of the execution of the works; and obtain the infrastructure of sanitary sewer with capacity to meet the demands.

The Contractor will be selected according to the procedures of the Central American Bank of Economic Integration established in the Politic for the Obtaining of Goods, Works, Services and Consultancies with Resources of the BCIE and its Application Rules.

Deadline for the submission of bids: February 5th, 2019

Estimated cost of investment: N/A

Federico Gurdián Sacasa
Managing Partner
García & Bodán
