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García & Bodán Honduras represents INTA’s Unreal Campaign

Unreal Campaign is a conference about Intellectual Property led by International Trademark Association (INTA). This campaign seeks to empower, advice and mostly to raise awareness on young college students in piracy matters and the right use of trademarks. It also seeks to educate young people all over the world through small presentations that cover subjects related to Intellectual Property and mostly to ensure that people know the consequences of the incorrect use of it.

On Thursday April 6th, García & Bodán, represented by Graciela Cruz, Senior Associate in Honduras and Director of the Intellectual Property practice in Honduras, had the opportunity to be part of the Unreal Campaign imparting the conference in the Auditorium of the Law Faculty of Universidad Católica de Honduras (UNICAH), where approximately 80 students between the ages of 18 and 23 years were present, all coursing the second year of Law and interns of the subjects Commercial Law and Administrative Law.

In the conference were covered topics of copyrights, piracy, identification of counterfeit products, consequences of buying counterfeit products, for both consumers and companies, and there were also shared some of the most relevant transactions Graciela Cruz has performed in all these subjects in order to encourage the correct use of trademarks.

Finally, the questions and answers section was covered in order to make sure that the students had a clearer idea of what implies the protection of ideas, piracy, and the Intellectual Property practice itself in the rest of the world, specifically in Honduras.

García & Bodán hopes to continue supporting the labor promoted by INTA, educating young people in Honduras and of the rest of the Central American countries in Intellectual Property matters.

Graciela Cruz Raudales
Senior Associate

García & Bodán
