Deputy Director García & Bodán Honduras
Regional Director of Banking and Finance practice
(504) 3392 5901

Godofredo Siercke Nuñez is Partner of García & Bodán, Regional Director of Banking and Finance and member of the Capital Markets practice, Energy and Natural Resources and Banking and Finance practices.
With more than twenty seven years of experience, he has had the opportunity to work in one of the principal Financial Institutions of the Country, actively participating in various syndicated loans, trusts guarantees and actively participating as legal counsel in various Public-Private Partnerships on the Country. He has been International Consultant in projects with Honduran Government regarding Civil Service and Public-Private Partnership Commission’s structure. Within the firm he has been able to participate in relevant projects related to energy, telecommunications, finance, among others.
- Corporate-Commercial
- Banking
- Finance
- Capital Markets
- Labor
- Renewable Energy
- Tax
- Litigation and Arbitration
- Corporate and Finance, Legal 500, 2017-2020.
- Banking and Finance, Legal 500, 2023.
- Tax, Legal 500, 2017, 2023.
- Corporate and M&A, The Legal 500, 2023.
- Banking and Capital Markets: Debt, IFLR1000, 2019-2021.
- Academic Excellence – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), 1994.

- Counseled rendered to the Finance Secretariat of the Government of Honduras in the third issuance of sovereign bonds for the amount of USD 700 million.
- Counseled on the structure of a syndicated loan to the developer of the project called Indura Beach Resort, as well as the formalization of the corresponding guarantee trusts.
- Counseled on the financial and legal closure, as well as financing and formalization of logistics escrow guarantees corridor award granted to the company Concesionaria Vial Honduras.
- Counseled in the review, as well as the formalization of the contract inherent to the bus transit project in the Capital signed between the Municipality of the Central District and a National Operator.
- Counseled on project financing of a 35MW photovoltaic project in the south of the country with Spanish investment; completion of due diligence and granting syndicated loan guarantees along with their trust.
- Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA).
- Honduran Bar Association.
- Graduated in Law – Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH), 1994.
- Certification Course on Trusts – Asociación Hondureña de Instituciones Bancarias (AHIBA).
- Admitted to practice as Attorney since February 1995.
- Spanish
- English