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Investment Project

Construction of the Municipal Traffic Police Training Center in Guatemala

The Municipality of Santa Catarina Pinula has announced a public tender for the construction of the Municipal Traffic Police Training Center in Aldea El Carmen. This project aims to enhance the infrastructure for the training and development of municipal traffic officers. 

Activities to be Performed by the Contractor 

The selected contractor will be responsible for constructing a building designed to meet the specific needs of the training center. The activities include: 

  • Building Construction: The project involves constructing one or more levels using various materials, with a focus on structures such as offices, storage areas, and other spaces necessary for the center’s operations. 
  • Site Preparation: This includes clearing and preparing the site, removing obstacles such as stones and other materials that may interfere with construction. 
  • Electrical Installations: The contractor will need to install electrical systems, including telecommunications networks, lighting systems, fire and theft alarms, and other required electrical systems. 

Contractor Requirements 

To participate in this tender, bidders must meet several requirements: 

  • Registration and Prequalification: The contractor must be registered and prequalified as a state supplier, specifically authorized for the provision of works, according to the General State Procurement Registry (RGAE). 
  • Necessary Specialties: The bidder must have experience in building construction, site preparation, and electrical system installation, with the appropriate certifications. 

Bid submission deadline: October 1st, 2024. 

Carlos Téllez 
Managing Partner
García & Bodán

