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Investment Project

Cable Car System: Connection with the City of Guatemala

The State of Guatemala, through the Municipality of Villa Nueva, intends to connect by air transport different points in different municipalities in the department of Guatemala, including Guatemala City. With the project Cable Car System in Guatemala is intended to reduce the transfer time and to improve the viability between the different municipalities. The approximate cost for each user will be Q. 4.50 (USD 0.6) per trip.

The Municipality of Villa Nueva, through a public tender, will grant the provision of this municipal service. In accordance with bases of the tender, the purpose of the concession will be the technical definition of:

  • The users’ demand
  • The design and sizing of necessary electromechanical equipment
  • The design
  • Planning
  • Construction of the complementary works
  • The installation of equipment
  • The operation of the system
  • Its proper maintenance

This concession will be granted for a term of 25 years. Additionally, the contractor must develop all the necessary plans for the final design of the route and the locations.

Estimated cost of the project: N/A

 Jose Rosales Cano
García & Bodán
