García & Bodán

Reforms to the Law on the Protection of the Rights of Consumers and Users in Nicaragua

On February 03 of this year, the National Assembly of Nicaragua approved the reform proposal to Law 842, Law on the Protection of the Rights of Consumers and Users, which to date has not yet been published in La Gaceta, Official Journal, which is why it has not entered into force.

The reform includes, among others:

So, mainly, we find that:

1. The State will no longer only ensure that the rights of consumers and users are respected but may also enforce their rights as a consumer when they have been violated.

2. The State opens the door for financial institutions, if or if, to provide services to all those who require it, even in the case of natural or legal persons, leaving aside the autonomy of the Financial Institution.

Lía Incer Flores
Senior Associate
García & Bodán