García & Bodán

Nicaragua implements new financial system law

The regulatory framework for the national financial system has been updated with the enactment of Law No. 1232, the “Monetary and Financial System Administration Law,” published in La Gaceta on December 30, 2024. 

This new regulation unifies the Organic Law of the Central Bank of Nicaragua (Law 732) and the Law of the Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions (SIBOIF). It also sets new guidelines for managing the financial system, regulating local currency operations, and applying sanctions for violations. 

The law creates the Monetary and Financial System Administration, composed of:  

These entities will enjoy autonomy and must coordinate efforts to strengthen the financial system’s stability and efficiency. 

Expression and settlement of obligations in cordobas 

The new regulation establishes that:  

Capital contributions and share transfers 

To ensure transparency in the financial system:  

Fines and violations 

The sanctions outlined in the law are classified by the severity of the violation:  

Fines are calculated based on the national average minimum wage, ensuring proportionality in penalties. 

Terencio García
Regional Managing Partner
García & Bodán