García & Bodán

New Regulation on Electronic Invoices for Tax Purposes in in Costa Rica

On November 8th, the Ministry of Finance of Costa Rica published the new Electronic Invoices Regulation for Tax Purposes (RCdPE), whichcame into force inmmediately. This regulation introduces changes in how taxpayers must manage their electronic invoices, particularly those related to the Income Tax and the Value Added Tax (VAT). 

With this new regulation, Executive Decree No. 41820-H of June 19, 2019, titled Regulation of Electronic Invoices for Tax Purposes, is repealed. 

Key Changes in the New Regulation 

What Changes for Taxpayers? 

The regulation provides clarity on several key aspects for taxpayers who issue electronic invoices. Below are some of the most relevant points: 

Mariela Saborío
García & Bodán
Costa Rica