García & Bodán

Improvement and Extension Works for the Road CA-5 North in Honduras

Obras de Mejoramiento y Ampliación Carretera CA-5 Norte

The Government of the Republic of Honduras has received a loan from Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) to finance the cost of the II Regional Road Integration Program, and it’s mean to use part of the funds of this Loan to make the stipulated payments in the Contract of the Improvement and Extension Works for the Road CA-5 North, La Barca – Pimienta.

The organism Inversión Estratégica de Honduras (INVEST–H) invites the eligible providers to present sealed bids for the Improvement and Extension Works for the Road CA-5 North, La Barca–Pimienta, that it’s divided in two sections: Section A: La Barca–Potrerillos from Station 192+230 to 204+800 and Section B: Potrerillos–Pimienta, from Station 204+800 to 215+300.

For the Section A the intervention includes:

  1. The rehabilitation of the existent road.
  2. Extension of two to four roads, with road widths of 3.60 m, external shoulders of 1.80 m, inner shoulders of 1.20 m, with median and New Jersey barriers as separators.
  3. Improvement of minor drainage works.
  4. Horizontal and vertical road signs.
  5. Complementary works (bus bays).
  6. Major drainage constructions (bridges and enclosures).
  7. Social and environmental mitigation measures.

For the Section B the intervention includes:

  1. Construction of two additional roads, with road widths of 3.60 m, external shoulders of 1.80 m, inner shoulders of 1.20 m.
  2. Horizontal and vertical road signs;
  3. Complementary works (bus bays);
  4. Repair works in the two existent roads;
  5. Social and environmental mitigation measures.

The construction period is of 18 calendar months for Section A and 12 calendar months for Section B. Both sections will be executed simultaneously.

Estimated cost of investment: N/A

Ricardo Alfredo Duarte Jiménez

Ricardo Duarte Jiménez
García & Bodán