García & Bodán

Aeroméxico renews its permit as Foreign Air Operator in El Salvador with the support of García & Bodán

With the legal advice of Partner Oscar Torres and the support of Associate Guisela Rodas, of García & Bodán El Salvador, Aeroméxico has renewed its operating permit for a period of five years as a Foreign Air Operator, allowing it to continue providing scheduled international public air transport services of passengers and cargo in El Salvador.

The legal team, specialized in aviation law, worked diligently to ensure compliance with the necessary requirements and formalities. This process included an exhaustive analysis of the legal requirements, preparation of essential documentation and assurance of regulatory compliance, including negotiations and meetings with relevant authorities such as the Civil Aviation Authority and the Superintendence of Commercial Obligations. All of the above in compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law of Civil Aviation.

Founded in 1934 and headquartered in Mexico City, Aeroméxico is Mexico’s leading airline due to its fleet size and modernity, as well as for offering more than a hundred routes on its aircraft, through around 18 monthly operations, plus those it operates with its allied airlines. In addition to its domestic flights, it operates to different destinations in the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean, offering high standards of safety, quality and service.

In the context of its presence in El Salvador, the airline operates a daily frequency from Monday to Sunday, on a vital route linking Mexico City’s “Benito Juárez” International Airport with El Salvador’s “San Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez” International Airport, an essential connection between the two nations.