García & Bodán

Urban cable car concession in Guatemala

cable car

The bases for the concession of the public transport system by aerial cable, type cable car, that will connect the municipalities of Guatemala and Mixco, which will have a length of 8.9 kilometers, were published.

The proposed new system will move on national assets of common public use, without reducing lanes on the Roosevelt Road and will promote intermodal connectivity with bikeways and different types of transport, such as mass transit Transmetro, buses outside the western region, the future MetroRiel and Metro East-West, among other economic, social and environmental benefits.

The project will be executed as a system that, in its Phase I, consists of the following:

  1. Axis I: Clover – Montúfar, with an estimated distance of 2.1 km.
  2. Axis II: Clover – Molino de las Flores, with an estimated distance of 6.8 km.
  3. Central West: The Western Transfer Center should be located in the municipality of Mixco or at the beginning of the limit of the municipality of Guatemala.
  4. Transformation of 20,000 square meters of public space in the municipalities of Guatemala and Mixco, within the area of influence of the AeroMetro System.

Deadline for submission of bids: August 20, 2020.

Estimated cost of investment: The bases are open, and as it is a tender, interested suppliers must present the best possible price, following the established qualification criteria. The concession period will be for 25 years.

Paul Rodríguez Medina
García & Bodán