García & Bodán

Tender for Installation of Shade Houses in El Salvador

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) has issued a tender for the supply and installation of 120 shade houses across various municipalities in El Salvador, as part of the “Vegetable Production Enhancement Program in El Salvador.” 

This project aims to increase national vegetable and plantain production by improving both the quality and quantity of harvests through the provision of adequate infrastructure, incentives, and specialized technical assistance. 

The project is financed with a total of USD 1,152,000.00, allocated for both the supply and installation of the shade houses in the designated municipalities. 

The shade houses will be installed in several strategic municipalities for vegetable cultivation, including: San Juan Opico (La Libertad), Santa Clara (San Vicente), San Ildefonso (San Vicente), Concepción de Ataco (Ahuachapán), Jujutla (Ahuachapán), Sonzacate (Sonsonate), and Armenia (Sonsonate), among others. Each shade house will cover an area of 1,850 m² and is designed to optimize crop performance under controlled conditions. 

Contractor Responsibilities 

The selected contractor will be responsible for supplying and installing a range of key materials and components for the construction of the shade houses. These supplies include: 

Additionally, the contractor must ensure the proper installation of these components, following the technical specifications provided by MAG and ensuring that all structures meet the required quality standards. 

Bid submission deadline: October 22nd, 2024. 


Oscar Torres
Managing Partner
García & Bodán
El Salvador