García & Bodán

Project “Plaza Natura” in Nicaragua

Plaza Natura is a commercial project characterized by its lifestyle concept, which combines traditional functions of commerce of a shopping center with entertainment amenities, oriented to consumers. This way, the shopping center offers a wide green area that integrates diverse commercial kiosks, children’s play areas and a diversity of outdoor activities, which provide a nice and attractive space of shopping and entertainment.

This will count with 146 commercial modules and 255 parking lots. In the project, the green areas go up to 2,850m², which represents a 12% of the total area of the project, which is within the permissible range.

It will also count with an intern courtyard that will offer outdoor recreational areas, with fountains, benches, commercial kiosks and children’s play areas.

The location, which is on the capital, is considered one of the main strengths of the project, since it will be within a 3km radio of office centers, residential buildings, universities and schools.

Estimated cost of investment: N/A

Federico Gurdián Sacasa
García & Bodán