García & Bodán

Project Metropolitan Managua

In the process of keep advancing in the sanitation of Lago de Managua, Empresa Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (ENACAL) is working with Banco de Desarrollo de Alemania (KFW) in the feasibility of the Project Metropolitan Managua. Said project contemplates the improvement of access to potable water and sanitary sewer in three of the most populated cities in the country: Managua, Tipitapa and Ciudad Sandino; being benefited 250 thousand people.

The main objective of this mega work is to extend the coverage of the sanitary sewer of the neighborhoods of the capital and to extend the capacity of the plant from 182 thousand cubic meters of waste waters to 240 thousand cubic meters per day.

 Metropolitan Managua contemplates to connect the sewage of the southern area of the capital, of Tipitapa and Ciudad Sandino to the system of the Wastewater Treatment Plant “Augusto C. Sandino”. The actions to be developed are:

Estimated cost of investment: USD 120 million

Federico Gurdián Sacasa
García & Bodán