García & Bodán

New Regulations for Sanitary Surveillance and Oversight in Honduras: Necessary Adaptations for Your Business

The recent Regulation for Sanitary Surveillance and Oversight in Honduras, established by the Sanitary Regulation Agency (ARSA), came into effect on October 28, 2024. This regulation aims to strengthen the control and supervision of products and services of sanitary interest in the country, with the goal of protecting public health. 

The Responsibilities of the Directorate of Sanitary Surveillance and Oversight (DVFS) is in charge of nationwide supervision of all products and services of sanitary interest. Its main functions include ensuring that all establishments and products comply with current sanitary regulations, conducting regular inspections, following up on prior inspection recommendations, and carrying out sanitary surveillance operations at the country’s entry and exit points. 

Sanitary and oversight inspection

Sanitary and oversight inspection activities include:

Corrective action plans

Businesses must submit corrective action plans to address non-conformities identified during inspections. These plans should outline measures to correct deficiencies and prevent recurrence. ARSA will review and approve these plans and conduct follow-up inspections to ensure their implementation. 

Product and establishment safety, quality, and efficacy

The regulation sets strict measures to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of sanitary products, such as: 

Products unfit for consumption

Products deemed unfit for consumption will be removed from the market and destroyed safely. ARSA will establish procedures for retaining and destroying these products to ensure they pose no risk to public health. 

Requests for inspection and oversight

Companies can proactively request inspections to ensure regulatory compliance: 

Infractions, penalties, and procedures

The regulation also defines a clear framework for penalties in cases of non-compliance:

Graciela Cruz
García & Bodán