García & Bodán

Maintenance of hydrants in Costa Rica

The Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers bids the maintenance of hydrants nationwide, under the modality of execution of works according to demand.

The work consists of general cleaning, for which there should be motoguadañas, machetes, tweezers designed to remove garbage, objects, stones and any other element that is housed in the box or covers valve without the need for excavations.

The hydrants must be painted, and prior to the application of the primary treatment or finish paint it is requested that the surface of the hydrant is free of impurities and other elements that affect adhesion and prevent the final appearance after the application of the finish paint from being adequate.

Deadline for the submission of bids: December 12th, 2019

Estimated cost of investment: USD 3,568,228

Christian Díaz Barcia
Managing Partner
García & Bodán
Costa Rica