García & Bodán

Call for Construction Companies for 2019 Projects in Honduras

The Institute of Community Development, Water and Sanitation (IDECOAS), through the Honduras Social Investment Fund (FHIS) and the National Program of Rural and Urban Sustainable Development (PRONADERS), invites Construction Companies, Consortiums to present Documents for the Prequalification for the execution of new projects in 2019, which will be financed with funds assigned by the Central Government, equity, International Organisms and friendly countries.

All construction company interested in participating in the present Prequalification process, must present Prequalification Documents for the execution of 2019 Projects in Honduras, for the following categories:

The applicable regulation in the present process of Prequalification will be the State Procurement Law and its ruling, general dispositions of the current budget and other applicable pertinently of the legal framework of the Republic of Honduras, as the Administrative Procedures Law, Law on Administrative Litigation, Penal Code.

Estimated cost of investment: N/A

Ricardo Duarte Jiménez
García & Bodán